Rooks is an SEO strategist, copywriter, and content editor who occasionally masquerades as a designer, photographer, brewer, or cook.
A lifelong Star Wars geek, his earliest memories are playing with Kenner action figures while watching the Original Trilogy on VHS. Aside from keeping up with the latest Star Wars content, he enjoys living out his own Star Wars story at Galaxy's Edge East.
Rooks is passionate about cooking and loves discussing and occasionally writing about food, beer, and cocktails. Never far from his emotional support laptop, you can often find him hammering out words at local coffee shops or breweries around Orlando.
His other interests include starting a new hobby every week, watching old Columbo episodes, and avoiding folding the laundry. Aside from Star Wars, his fandoms include the MCU, Harry Potter, Battlestar Galactica, and the Lord of the Rings.
A pilot and Rebel leader, General Hera Syndulla is one of the main characters in Star War: Rebels. Whether you need a refresher about Rebels or you are looking to catch up on the character before watching the Disney+ series Ahsoka, here are most important details about Hera Syndulla.
The Darksaber is an ancient Mandalorian weapon and symbol of power. Created by the first Mandalorian Jedi, Tarre Vizsla. Briefly held by Maul, Sabine Wren, Bo-Katan Kryze, it is believed to be the only thing that can reunite Mandalore. Here is everything you need to know about the Darksaber in Star Wars.
Are you ready for the new Ahsoka series on Disney+? Whether you need a crash course in who Ahsoka Tano is or want to revisit her best moments, here are the most important shows to watch before Ahsoka comes out. Plus, we look at the confirmed details and most popular rumors about the show.
Zeb is a Lasat warrior who served with the Ghost crew in Rebels and recently appeared as a New Republic pilot in The Mandalorian. Whether you are new to the character in The Mandalorian or familiar with Zeb from Star War: Rebels, here is everything you know about the Lasat pilot.
While The Mandalorian introduces a new character, the series relates to the Star Wars universe and other TV series. It includes aspects of the Jedi, the Mandalorians, bounty hunters, and the Empire. From minor Easter eggs to important characters and plot points, here is what you need to watch before The Mandalorian.
Originally from A New Hope, the astromech droid R5-D4 recently appeared in The Mandalorian. Once known for having a bad motivator, Arfive later served with Carson Teva during the Rebellion. From its origins to Season Three of The Mandalorian, here is everything you need to know about who R5-D4 is.
The Mandalorian explores the period of time after the fall of the Galactic Empire and before the rise of the First Order. Season One starts in 9 ABY, about five years after Return of the Jedi. Here is everything you need to know about when The Mandalorian takes place in the Star Wars universe.
Rebels Remembered Day is the unofficial fan celebration of the animated series Star Wars: Rebels. Celebrated on March 5th, the day allows fans to celebrate the characters and stories. Here is everything you need to know about #RebelsRemebered, from its origins as a social media celebration to the panel at Star Wars Celebration Chicago.
What are Star Wars Legends? Understanding the difference between Legends and Star Wars canon is a complex and confusing topic. Dive into the complex world of the Star Wars universe and learn why the Expanded Universe was rebranded Legends We demystify the two distinct continuities and explore the major differences and similarities between them.
Do you know how to watch the Star Wars movies in order? It’s a simple question with a complex answer. The popular options are release order, chronological order, and machete order. Here are the basics of the best way to watch Star Wars in order and a full list of films and television series.